Bioresonance Therapy for Healing

Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) and scanning was invented in the 1950s, by Dr. Royal Rife.

This technology uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect toxins and other harmful substances in your body.


Taking your health to the next level

This hand held, non-invasive bioresonance device, scans and evaluates the entire body's natural magnetic field frequencies.

This is done via a voice scan which detects abnormalities in cells, tissues, organs, and even skeletal functions.

Disturbances in these frequencies is often a key indicator of distress and/or disease. Once the report is run, a balancing set of harmonics is included for the client to listen to.

This is an example of a section of the Inner Voice report


  • Modern science provides that all matter has the energy that vibrates at different frequencies and wavelengths. This also holds true for your body cells, as they emit electromagnetic vibrations at different frequencies.

    However, pathogens in your body emit negative frequency patterns which interfere with the frequency patterns of healthy cells. This results in disturbances in your health, which can cause illnesses.

    With the help of bioresonance scanners, therapists can read the frequency patterns of different cells, making it possible to detect any disturbances. The scanners can also be used with other BRT devices to strengthen the frequency of the healthy cells and nullify the frequencies of viruses, pollen, toxins, and other harmful substances in your body.

    It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the areas that may be out of balance. By identifying those areas that may need assistance, you can then make the proper lifestyle changes to optimize your health and reach a state of harmony and balance.

  • A Bioresonance scan will not only help detect the root cause of an illness in your body but it can also be used as a preventive method. The ability of the scanner to read the frequency patterns of different cells helps detect a disease in its early stages.

    Key benefits of a Bioresonance scan include:

    • Your whole body can be evaluated in just one scan session.

    The Bioresonance Vitals scan can be done on your whole body giving a comprehensive insight into your overall health condition.

    • Accurate determination of the type of pathogens in your body.

    A Bioresonance scan can detect the type of harmful substance in your body based on the frequency patterns emitted.

    • Suitable for people of all ages.

    A Bioresonance scan is safe for people of different ages including children, seniors, pregnant women, and those with chronic diseases. Besides, the scan is safe as the procedure is radiation-free and noninvasive.

    • Helps you to fight disease without the use of medication.

    With the help of a Bioresonance scan, you can get a comprehensive analysis of what is ailing you and a treatment plan that doesn’t involve the use of medication.

  • ​INNER-voice – Intuitive Electronic Voice Analyzer

    Inner-Voice technology uses sound harmonizing techniques, which generate balancing audio frequencies derived from the voice spectrum excesses, and weaknesses, in the human voice.

    Stated plainly, Inner-Voice diminishes frequencies that are in excess and supplements frequencies that we lack.

    Inner-Voice records your voice and analyses twelve notes across nine octaves. It focuses on the three high notes that are excessively out of balance, or over represented, as well as the lowest note that is being suppressed. Inner-Voice technology accurately captures and analyses this data. It helps harmonise our everyday life by improving: Concentration, Creativity, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, stress Management and Interpersonal Relationships.

    You receive:

    An amazing 7-page report which shows which emotions are out of balance plus the Frequency Audio tracks to balance them.

  • ​The Vitals Scan is a concise snapshot of the blueprint frequencies being produced by your blood, organs, and systems of your body. This report is similar to a Chemistry test.

    The Vitals Scan performs a complete scan of over 550 Blueprint Frequencies associated with each bodily function. This scan is a concise snapshot of the Blueprint Frequencies in relationship to the frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, glands, and systems of the body.

    The scan generates a 24-page data report that displays your frequency levels that are in range and out of range with their blueprint.

    Body Functionality scanned in this report:

    • Blood

    • Chakras

    • Gastrointestinal

    • Meridians

    • Nutrition (minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes)

    • Physical functionality (bone, muscle, brain and cardiovascular health, hormone, immunity, and organ)

    • Toxicities​ (possible allergies, bacteria, fungus, heavy metals, and man-made toxins)

  • ​The Comprehensive Scan technology performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes similar to an MRI, CT Scan or X-Ray.

    The Comprehensive Scan provides a graphical report that displays variances from blueprint homeostasis showing underactive or hypofunctioning frequencies .

    Frequency optimization will pick up anything out of range and will generate canceling frequencies that will help your organs and system achieve a state of homeo- stasis (complete balance) .

    The scan generates a data report that displays your frequency levels that are in range and out of range with their blueprint.

    Physical body parts scanned in this report:

    • Organ and Cells

    • Veins

    • Skeletal

    • Nerves

    • Connective tissues

    • Body parts

    • Arteries​

Inner Voice Scan

  • This Scan and Consult can be done remotely or in person. The report will be emailed to you to we can go through it together.

Vitals Scan

  • Receive your Inner Voice and Vitals Scan Report and a 30 minute phone Consult.

Comprehensive Scan

  • This includes the inner voice, vitals and a full comprehensive body scan. You receive the reports via email and a 1 hour phone consult.